/* All the presets options are the custom ones */ var rokbox; window.addEvent('domready', function() { rokbox = new RokBox({ 'theme': 'dark', // this string must match the theme folder name (string, no space, lowercase) 'transition': Fx.Transitions.Quart.easeOut, // Transition to use when opening RokBox 'duration': 600, // Duration of opening RokBox Effect (integer, milliseconds) 'chase': 50, // Chase to use for the animation. works only for growl, see next line. (integer) 'frame-border': 20, // Width of each border if any (integer, pixels) 'content-padding': 0, // Padding of internal content wrapper (integer, pixels) 'arrows-height': 35, // Height of arrows div (integer, pixels) 'effect': 'explode', // Type of effect to use. Presets are: 'quicksilver', 'growl', 'explode' 'captions': 1, // Whether to enable or disable captions (boolean, 1 or 0) 'captionsDelay': 800, // How long captions effect should last, when captions are enabled (integer, milliseconds) 'scrolling': 0, // Makes RokBox follow when scrolling the page (boolean, 1 or 0) 'keyEvents': 1, // Enable keyevents. Esc, Left, Right to close and change previous or next (boolean, 1 or 0) 'overlay': { 'background': '#000', // Overlay background color (string, hex color format with starting hash #) 'opacity': 0.7, // Opacity of the overlay (float, from 0 to 1, 0.1 makes it invisible but clickable) 'duration': 200, // Duration of overlay effect (integer, milliseconds) 'transition': Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut // Transition to use for opacity effect }, 'defaultSize': { 'width': 640, // Default RokBox window width (integer) 'height': 460 // Default RokBox window height (integer) }, 'autoplay': 'true', // Enable or disable autoplay for QuickTimes and WM videos (string, 'true' or 'false') 'controller': 'true', // Enable or disable controllers for QuickTimes and WM videos (string, 'true' or 'false') 'bgcolor': '#ffffff', // Set Background colors for all videos and flash services that support it (string, hex color format with starting hash #) 'youtubeAutoplay': 0, // Enable or disable autoplay for YouTube (boolean, 1 or 0) 'vimeoColor': '00adef', // Vimeo Color Scheme (string, hex color format WITHOUT starting hash #) 'vimeoPortrait': 0, // Enable or disable Vimeo Portrait Button (boolean, 1 or 0) 'vimeoTitle': 0, // Enable or disable Vimeo Title caption (boolean, 1 or 0) 'vimeoFullScreen': 1, // Enable or disable Vimeo FullScreen button (boolean, 1 or 0) 'vimeoByline': 0 // Enable or disable Vimeo's Author line (boolean, 1 or 0) }); });